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A brief review of the week

On Monday Christopher Luxon had a shocking press conference where he tried to evade questions by claiming to not having heard multiple events that were well canvassed in media.

Luxon had not heard this and he had not heard that, or that, or that and the sad pretend tactic soon looked like a man unable to man up and be a leader.

Eventually media questioned if he had been adequately briefed because he seemed utterly out of touch about so many topics.

Luxon was also too weak to get rid of his tax cuts and instead suggested that his Government will not stick to the 2027 Budget surplus timeframe.

On Tuesday morning Luxon also had a terrible interview on TVNZ Breakfast with Anna - where he was unable to face the fact that he and Nicola Willis had gotten the cost of reinstating interest deductibility so wrong, that they were $800 Million short and no amount of trying to distract and dodge from this worked at all.

Luxon doubled down that his numbers before the election were rock solid, further entrenching the way he was using a Trump playbook, and trying to confidence his way past facts and accountability.

The Police were also protesting about the shit offer that Luxon's "outcomes" focused government had offered which was far worse than an offer they had rejected from Labour.

Mark Mitchell made pathetic excuses about trying his best but what a shambles - clearly the government had it's priorities all wrong.

Golriz appeared in court so media went to town on that despite how she is no longer an MP and yes we had more than one day's coverage as NZ media is want to do when it's time to stick a boot into a woman of colour.

Thomas Coughlan reported that Labour were crowing over a $90 Million hole but IRD reckoned the dates were wonky and this did not apply so Labour was honest and said they did not have access to the detailed legislation.

Thomas attacked Labour for having a retreat - trying to mock them because they were smaller now and characterising them as licking their wounds and trying to put on a brave face. Typical arrogant nonsense from the NZ Herald.

It was reported that it took nine drafts of Luxon's Waitangi Speech before it was ready - but it was still a copy and paste fizzer.

Tova confused Pluto with Plato when interviewing David Seymour and that was about the standard of it.

Barbara Dreaver had a go at the CE of TVNZ over the recent job and show cuts.

Nicola Willis was heckled badly at a presser, which was amusing.

Act's Andrew Hoggard ( former Federated Farmers ) announced farmers could ignore councils over SNAs but had no idea that was illegal and later had to walk that back.

The Environmental Protection Agency started hearings into the reapplication for about the fifth time of an Australian mining company that wants to mine seabed off the coast of Taranaki - after multiple courts - including the Supreme Court had quashed their consents and sent them back to the EPA.

Lawyers were trying to suggest uncertainty about impacts of marine life could go either way.

Oliver Sean Plunket nearly lost his mind again over the way the legal profession have to learn a bit of tikanga and Shane Jones tried to make out Treaty mission creep was a big problem.

Jones ran away from the Manuka Seabed Mining matter after blowing off in parliament about the great return of mining etc.

A second massive economic blunder by Nicola Willis emerged - this time a $500 Million short fall in National's estimates pre election about how much tax would be earned from taxing online gambling.

Treasury had to come to the rescue and suggest a way to meet the gap and Thomas eagerly reported that - much to the relief of horrified National voters.

Winston stirred up an international hornets nest between Canada and India by shooting off his big mouth trying to curry favour but no dilma - he came home empty handed, just as useless as Todd.

Freyberg School smacked it down before Seymour and as per usual the heroes were told they were totally unacceptable and now face angry white discipline. Settler state stuff.

Chris Bishop packed a massive sad about the FSU writing to him about his ridiculous overuse of urgency and how he was behaving like a dictator in a third world banana republic.

Oh ...the humanity.

Darleen Tana's husband denied she had any involvement in a migrant exploitation scandal and sure enough media paraded the allegation around in lead news - and the beat up was more than they usually do for a white male and many assumed she must be guilty of something...and I suspect the persecution will continue for several more days if the past is anything to go by.

Audrey Young thought it was just spiffing that Luxon played about on some big farming toys and fluttered her eye lashes at the taxpayers' Union.

Scientists are concerned New Zealand's plants, animals, fungi and ecosystems are under threat by the Coalition Government's proposed changes to a raft of environmental laws.

The New Zealand Ecological Society and nine other scientific societies wrote an open letter to the Government expressing their collective concern at the proposals.

National, Act and NZ First MPs accidentally voted in favour of a Labour amendment in a select committee report, recommending the House reduce a proposed tax rate for hybrid vehicles.

Hilary Barry hit back at viewer who said she was showing ‘too much skin’. How many times is that now? Is it the same viewer?

McDonalds has been hit with a global outage with reports of system malfunctions in New Zealand, Australia and Japan. Crikey where is my cheeseburger?

Lots of other things happened but that was enough off the top of my head.

A brief review of the week


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