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A brief review of the week

This is a summary of the week so it leaves some things out ...

The NZ Herald failed to publish the results of the latest Talbot poll for the second month in a row as National slides and Labour soared - and the left bloc took over the lead.

Fran O'Sullivan had read an article by Thomas Coughlan which suggested the Government had considered copying Singapore and creating a giant holding company for State Owned Entities that could then be flicked off for short term money - cos profit not service was all that mattered. Fran urged everyone to be rational and copy Singapore cos of Treasury BIM recommendations which said nothing of the sort. Nat PR Frog Janet Wilson joined the sales pitch saying that selling off state assets to raise short term cash was inevitable in the long run.

The Green Party maintained a strong 12% in the Talbot polls despite the NZ Herald's obsession with attacking Green Party females and detailing that natural justice had cost $43K so far. No such attention was afforded to the cost of the Uffindell scandal.

The Waitangi Tribunal ruled that Slytherin Brown's Māori Ward legislation prioritised coalition commitments over the Crown's Treaty Obligations. The Government did no consultation, and had no unilateral right to set aside Treaty obligations - and had acted in bad faith - enabling a discriminatory barrier to Māori representation. This amounted to a breach of the Crown Duty to protect the rights and interests of Māori.

1,283 Housing builds were still on hold as the nation waited on Sir Bill English and Chris Bishop to get around to publishing Sir Bill's report into Kāinga Ora.

Plaintiffs sought a declaration of inconsistency against Te Tiriti over the axing of the Māori Health Authority.

Chris Hipkins gave a detailed speech about his vision ( 17 points of detail ) for how Aotearoa New Zealand could look in 2040 if we make the decision to back Labour led governments. The speech was treated as if it was yawn by media with Bryce Edwards describing it as mild and bland. Those who saw the speech disagreed and said it was brilliant. Bomber castigated Labour using extreme hyperbolic rhetoric - which only served to play into the hands of the right bloc.

Christopher Luxon gave a speech which had nothing new in it and hardly anything but blaming the previous government and thrashed to death slogans - but media called it fiery - as a play on the irony that the nation wreckers were falsely describing Labour as arsonists. Sad. Much like the speech which rang hollow.

Chlöe delivered a real fiery speech in her State of the Planet address which included notable quotes like - "the reason the system feels like it is rigged is cos it is".

Todd McClay was pathetic on Q&A when dithering about how he would sign an FTA with India this term as Christopher Luxon ( the promise breaker and Bullshitter in chief ) had absolutely promised for votes. McClay was also sad about the "gold standard for live animal exports" which was just a crock.

Chlöe was strong on Q&A - pointing out that Act's review into methane targets was unnecessary and pseudo scientific, that it's important the Climate Commission can set the number of units in the ETS and that the cost of natural justice for Darleen - is what it is - regardless of right wing sneering, snarling and caterwauling.

Mahē Drysdale will run for the mayoralty of Tauranga.

A Crusaders Coach has a defensive interview with a reporter

Tova wrote a puff article about Willis and whether she will get a blue cloaked puppy while her hubby says no.

There was also an attempt to say Nicola was a naughty school girl once - smoking a joint in the stairwell - and how she will wear her lucky PantSuit on Budget day cos it has worked for her before. Sir John said she could be PM one day. Women's Weekly are hiring political journalists lol.

Sir John was sued for alleged insider trading in the USA and said he dismissed it as he went to ground and many of us laughed long and loud. No brickbat from Audrey.

Sir Bill's long awaited crony review of Kāinga Ora was unwrapped at the post cabinet press conference - where a lopsided portrayal sought to focus only on short term debt from building 14,000 houses and to hide the value of the assets. Luxon and Bishop were essentially doing a hatchet job, sacking the chair and replacing the Board so they could do a mass transfer of state houses into the hands of Community Associations ( not providers ) who would act as regional hubs and get capital from private investors - down the track. The portrayal was wrong, dishonest and Labour called it out strongly.

Kieran said it costs money to build houses as right wing pants fell down and the fact that media reports had not talked about asset values against the debt - nor the long term position ( $9 Billion debt with $200 Billion in assets ) was hidden by media as it hurried on with the Nat Narrative.

Wikipedia polls were changed about that Talbot Mills poll as the media blackout resulted in it being possible to argue over sources.

Luxon refused to say how many state houses he would transfer or sell on TVNZ Breakfast saying it was not the focus. Luxon also denied he knew anything about Sir John's alleged insider trading and had not been in the usual regular contact with his mentor and best pal.

Shayne Curry reported that Stuff had used an F Bomb over the costs to Warner Brothers Discovery news production.

Simon Wilson reckoned Luxon had got it wrong over climate change when he and Simon Watts encountered every country in South East Asia saying it was numero uno to them. But Chlöe reckoned "anyone who thinks they have a thriving economy on a burning planet is a liar".

David MacLeod only declared $29K of donations to the electoral commission until he was found to have missed $178K - whoops - still he was stood down but no brick bat from Audrey.

Kieran McAnulty shone like a bright star as he delivered a burning speech in an urgent debate in parliament - but media buried that speech and moved on - looking over their shoulders. Did anyone notice?

Heavy rain fell all over the North island but no emergency.

A flight from New Caledonia brought home 50 kiwis while 200 more waited - a second flight lifted another 50 out a day later.

Liz Gunn was found guilty of assault - while Oliver Sean Plunket wept crocodile tears how she must be discharged without conviction cos he did not think it was assault.

Mike Hosking rated number one on Breakfast radio - so sad.

Audrey Young revealed Seymour's Uncle in Law was KC Gary Judd - resident legal eagle on the right wing Platform...and complainer about the compulsory training in tikanga that lawyers undertake in tertiary education.

Seymour's greatest influencers are Prebble, Ruth Richardson and Catherine Issac.

The OCR remained at 5.5%

Megan Woods challenged the myth it takes 8 years to consent a wind farm citing Westwind took about 2 years for the consent to be given. Bishop argued it took years of preparation - which was BS.

$24 Million over four years was gifted to Mike King's "I am hope" foundation. Subsequent reports revealed many players were National party donors and of course Mike escaped the procurement process like a big crony grifter.

A flight from London to Singapore encountered turbulence over the Indian Ocean and fell about 2000 feet injuring many people - and one 73 year old British man died of a heart attack.

Kieran exposed that Kāinga Ora had reported they only needed to sell 10,200 state homes because National had told them funding would end in 2025 - so Luxon knowingly - then used this in his State of the Nation speech on 18 February 2024 - where he claimed to have discovered this - plus rising debt.

A G News survey about how much respect you have for Luxon revealed that 99.75% have none or less than none.

50 Mayors objected to Slytherin Brown's anti localism and racially motivated BS about Māori Wards having to run binding referenda when no other wards need to and the weak justifications for this outright discriminatory racism.

Act's confidential Treaty Principles policies were uploaded on the Waitangi Tribunal website and Seymour was initially furious.

Sir Bills's crony report into Kāinga Ora was found to have been funded by the funds for "transitional housing places" - and the Nats made excuses for robbing the poor saying it was "a forecast underspend" but nobody was buying the BS - it is exactly what it is.

More jobs were cut at MSD 700 and Doc 124 and Willis said there will be even more cuts after the Budget next Thursday.

Rishi Sunak called a snap election on 4 July...after Tory polls were in the toilet.

"I can smell the colonialism on your breath" said Willie Jackson in the Oxford debate and his team won.

Luxon broke his election promise not to cut the first home buyers funding as Bishop cruelly smashed the dreams of struggling young couples and sole parents fighting hard to own their first homes as he pulled up the ladder, laughing and cackling while Luxon mocked and denied it all - saying you could trust him to get things done. It was a tough choice they said but they could have left it there - until supply issues were solved but chose to pay landlords instead as the government even cut funding levels to social housing and boasted that they had 1500 new places.

Audrey Young awarded a brickbat to a Green MP for using an F Bomb in parliament - because Sir John being sued, David MacLeod being stood down, Luxon's broken promise to first home buyers was just 100% peachy and fine. Hooray for National at the NZ Herald.

I thanked you all for your generosity in the G News donation appeal and got on with it.

Shane Jones grabbed a tiny megaphone and made a lot of noise as he pumped up mining and extractive industries to west coasters who wanted to be rich - bugger the environment and the climate. Who could forget those dinners with coal mining executives that were not recorded in Jones' ministerial diary and his extraordinary power to be corrupt if the Nat's carry on with the Fast Track Consenting Bill in it's current form.

Fiery speeches raged in parliament against the National Party and Act Party Maori Ward racism - notables were Arena Williams and Kieran. 3000%. Real talk.

This is just a summary so it leaves some things out

But that's about it.

A brief review of the week


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A brief review of the week

The Waitangi Tribunal granted an urgent inquiry into the government's proposal to force local councils to remove Māori Wards or put them to

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