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Angry Right Wing Trout Thrash about in a bucket of denial

Maiki Sherman was right when she predicted her poll would get them talking about it, cos that is all they have done for the past day or so as demented right wing trout thrash around in a bucket and Sir John says it's the economy stupid, while Nicola says it is silliness and fruitcake polling - as she dashes away from the voices in her head.

The self proclaimed god of wind, Pumpkin Head Jones said this was a marathon not a sprint while Luxon's spittle about Maiki's tone starts a feeding frenzy as media gulls peck at the non existent honeymoon the coalition should have being riding upon, as the New Zealand public files for divorce after only six months.

The three headed Taniwha lost a head and crumpled to the ground like Sauron's Tower in Lord of the Rings when everyone yells "Frodo" and Mt Doom erupts - a bit like Richard Prebble spewing lava at Luxon in the NZ Herald this morning over those sackings.

Oh right "he is strong and clever" and all that - said the pom pom team - but like Sauron - Luxon never noticed the small people under his entitled word salad nose - and they are the ones who vote - and not one of them was happy with Luxon and his gang of neoliberal blockheads in media vox pops.

Sir John rushed to help Luxon using the excuse he was taking his former staff out to dinner - but photographic evidence places Sir John with Luxon last night - two mugs posing for desperate social media points in a beige room as the public reject Luxon and all his empty promises - restore law and order - my arse !!!

Yes crime is up, rents are up, petrol is up, half priced public Transport is over, Todd still has no FTA with India, Luxon came home empty handed from South East Asia, Seymour is ankle tapping Luxon, Winston is growling, Willis is shrieking, Gerry is threatening to get up on his feet for once - and this is not the change Kiwis voted for.

Chippy is scoring big time - pointing out the facts that this Trio of Beagle Boys prioritised $2.9 Billion for Landlords and a quick look at rich lister donors to National and Act reveal that most of the dosh Act and National got - came from the property sector as they bought the election and their economic power distorts life for New Zealanders - making everything so much worse.

It's all due to greed.

Pullya benefit is paid off with a crony job while the pom pom team justify it - and expect voters to stay loyal.

The howling, biting and gnashing of teeth reached a crescendo in DumbTown when NewsHub published that the concealed April Talbot Poll put Labour within one point of National - 33 to 34 so chew on that Nat trolls.

Winston did point out that the Talbot poll put NZ First on 6% but he failed to mention that the Talbot polling period was weeks earlier than the TVNZ Verian poll. Lots can happen in a week.

Today Winston will give a speech about Aukus 2 which may be scary and affect trade - while over on AM Lloyd heard from Kayla at the World Wildlife Fund that the Government's Fast-Track Approvals Bill could threaten New Zealand's free trade agreement with the EU. NewsHub misled the public that the EU was not concerned in a clickbait headline - when that is not what the EU said. The EU only said that the agreement was a gold standard for sustainability.

Debs from TPM had a crack at Seymour's Treaty Principles Bill in a letter to the NZ Herald this morning and Chippy hit the headlines saying everyone's pay increases should be in line with those for MPs.

Workers Unite !!! Everyone is urged to get out there at lunchtime today and make your voices heard in Mayday protests against all the evil crap this Government is punching down on us all.

Solidarity !!!!

The upper classes are revolting and spewing in rage as their Government topples over and the gaps close up and smug smiles are wiped off privileged, greedy faces and the common people strike back.

This Government has got to go...

Angry Right Wing Trout Thrash about in a bucket of denial



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