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Atlas Network - Eyes on the Inside

Yesterday BHN broke the story - well Joe Trinder ( long time FB friend of G News and excellent activist ) broke it on BHN - that some character using a fake account posing as Hemi Wairua had commented on Joe's post about some "Elite Māori" merch Joe had designed and was about to promote.

Joe was suspicious that this was not really Hemi Wairua cos the photo used was of Stan it was a fake account.

Why would a fake account be asking Joe to help promote his merch?

Joe had the cool idea of getting a think tank together to combat Atlas in New Zealand and he brings a lot of courage and facts and humour to that.

For clarity - Joe's "Elite Māori" brand was designed like a "patch" and a piss take - back on the way Julian Batchelor, One NZ Foundation and Atlas Network affiliated operatives were using the "elite maori" trope online to try and stir up resentment about Treaty Settlements.

Picture a red MAGA capped, frowning Trump supporter moaning how it is not ordinary Māori but "Elite Maori" who are on the take and where is the equality?

Okay enough explaining.

So the story goes that Joe did not give the fake Hemi Wairua permission to promote or sell his intellectual property ( the patch ) but within hours Hemi had designed a Shopify Site and was selling the design along with other designs he had ripped off without permission.

Okay cool story - but it gets better - the shopify site was redirected - linked to Act's Treaty Principles Website - so anyone interested was being lured to click - and then be redirected to Act ( Atlas Network affiliations ) as these operatives worked together to drive audiences to their crafted messages.

Big attempts were made to scrub the evidence when an investigation commenced - but BHN back stepped us back to the origins and showed the evidence of the redirection - and using cache and screenshots presented a compelling set of evidence about how this has happened and how the evidence was then - burned by the perpetrators when the game was up.

Okay so here is the point of this article.

The eyes on the inside tactics used by the Atlas Network online are about watching everything the likes of Joe or G News or BHN or Nick Rockel or others do and say online.

I personally get about a dozen messages a day warning me that someone using a fake account named Gerard Otto is making troll like comments on the Labour Facebook Page or the One News page etc. It's clearly too funny for me to worry about so I ignore it - but the point is to split people - divide and turn them against me - and I suppose Joe gets even more attention from these people cos he takes it to them.

Sure enough these people are reading this article just like you are, and what I would say is give it up...but they won't.

Here's something curious to reflect upon.

Hemi happens to be the name chosen by the fake account Atlas Network operatives - and among other reasons - for doing so - I'd like to focus on one...

Hemi means James in English and Jimmy is a nickname for James. Long story short we have a troll using the name Jimmy here on a couple of sock-puppet accounts - we have Jimmy Five Fingers and Jimmy Peters Seymour. The pattern matches and should raise the question about whether this is all the same person?

Now before you think I am a dot joining conspiracy theorist - consider the context. My son is named James but he does not troll left wing pages, posing as a Māori, targeting Maori issues - and representing Atlas Network messages here.

There's a very confined context to this dot joining...and it's also about how these sock-puppet accounts have the same writing style and humour.

Finally don't forget that John Dory ( fake name ) also claims to be Maori and trolls here on G News - much like others we have previously banned.

Okay so cut me some slack - it's a worthy question worth following up - but in the wider backdrop this is also about having people from the Atlas Network - with eyes on the inside - watching what is being said.

You may notice that as the likes of G News, Joe or BHN or Nick or even parts of RNZ shines light on matters - that there's a reaction on the right...most obviously seen through The Platform where Atlas Network voices are being invited to make noise right now.

When I was told last year that "The TPU is watching you" they meant it and I think we see some of that in the form of these sock puppets and fake accounts.

FYI a fake account like Hemi Wairua or the Nigerian Prince named Gerard Otto - are about ripping off a real person - but these other jimmy accounts are sock-puppets.

The main difference between a sock puppet and a fake account is that a sock puppet is used to create multiple identities, while a fake account is used to create a single false identity.

A sockpuppet account is a secondary account set up by someone who already has a "main" account.

Sockpuppet accounts are often used to create the illusion of consensus or to harass and bully others.

That's all for now - but I just wanted you to know all this stuff right now, even if you already knew it.

What do you think?

Atlas Network - Eyes on the Inside


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