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Friday Morning Coffee

The big misinformation being amplified on The Platform this week has been that there is a lot of misinformation in Mainstream media news coverage that Luxon and Seymour and Winston want to get rid of the Treaty.

As per usual nobody on The Platform can point to any recent headlines that our mainstream media think the Treaty itself is being thrown out.

Instead the likes of Oliver Sean Plunket say they don't need to see the headlines - they just know their claim that misinformation is in almost every headline must be the case - using their special powers of never letting the truth get in the way - and internet troll Nicola Joy agrees with him.

The propaganda line that "there's a lot of misinformation about getting rid of the Treaty" likely stemmed from some speeches at Rātana where Luxon was warned that eyes are watching him and to prepare for a fight if he meddles with Te Tiriti.

That caused Luxon to say he was not changing the Treaty itself ( he does not refer to Te Tiriti ) and - forever since - right wingers, conspiracy theorists and Atlas Network associates have gathered around that flag pole ...telling everyone - there's a lot of misinformation about.

Luxon even used this as an excuse for his recycled speech at Waitangi - confirming that "the Treaty is our past, present and future" and that he wanted to be consistent so he copied bits like "Seven decades after Cook sailed south from Tahiti" because - "there's a lot of misinformation about."

The likes of one of Act's Founders, Dr Muriel Newman, has agreed with Oliver Sean Plunket that there's a lot of misinformation about in the mainstream media - and that technique opens the door to the minds of Conspiracyville - where conspiracy theorists do not trust any government and certainly not the mainstream media.

So the audience at The Platform lean forward to hear what may be spoon-fed to them next open to suggestion and real misinformation.

Dr Newman tells them that Act had no choice but to launch its website to spell out the facts cos Mainstream Media has degenerated with 70% of them being left wing and the usual rant about too much opinion ( that she is herself part of ).

But the kicker was that Newman claimed newsrooms have aligned themselves with the Māori world view...a dog whistle to racists - and a resurfacing of tax payer dollars being spent on Treaty centric reporting.

You know the stirring up of the same old group again - see Three waters for reference.

Meanwhile over in the actual mainstream media there's been a rush to explain that The Treaty Principles are not the same as Te Tiriti - and one of the best example of this was when Jack Tame interviewed human rights lawyer Natalie Coates - who is a boss on this topic and I will post the interview on G News.

Natalie basically said that the use of principles relates to how they applied rather than giving effect to Te Tiriti ( meaning what area the law was looking at ) - that principles watered down the text and did not give justice to Article 2 of Te Tiriti, they are a compromise and this has been long critiqued. Natalie also said there is a much bigger conversation we need to have - about fundamental constitutional change - that Article 2 gave exclusive rights to Maori and we are not ready yet as a nation to have that conversation - citing a Human Rights Survey that suggested only 36% have read the English Version, 16% Te Tiriti and only 10% think they know this topic very well.

Hell yes - Natalie is the bomb here - and she basically said that Te Tiriti was the pre-condition for the democracy we have and that Seymour's Bill is problematic for many reasons - including how it is one partner seeking to make changes - how it extinguishes Maori rights, and how we need to get into the schools and educate ourselves before we are ready to have a mature conversation.

Wow - I wonder what internet troll Nicola Joy makes of that?

Meanwhile Hooton has been busy writing in the NZ Herald about Seymour's Bill and how he will want to extend the endless debate about it - as long as possible now...into next year's Waitangi Day and he is joined by Thomas Coughlan who says everyone is wrong if they think this is a dead duck - cos Seymour will get it voted on in election 2026.

Coughlan seems to be onboard with Seymour - promoting the Atlas Network ( Tax Payers Union ) poll twice this week and stating its hard to argue with Seymour's stated principles which Coughlan misreports by paraphrasing :

Coughlan says Article two of Seymour's Bill says :

"Article 2 will guarantee private property rights" when the real words say "That the government will honour all New Zealanders in the chieftainship of their land and all their property" - which is easily argued about - because it's a blatant removal of Maori rights to tino rangatiratanga and all the points made by Natalie Coates above.

What is Thomas playing at here?

Over at Stuff Tova is stating that Luxon needs to use his elbows more cos he is weak and being pushed around by Wintson and Seymour while Jenna Lynch reports that Luxon will not stake his job on this Bill NOT going through...

There's lots more going on - like the diabolical Chris Bishop and Shane Jones trying to remove environmental protections in a standalone RMA Bill so a Minister can decide a consent - not a panel - again pandering to mining industry cronies at the expense of our beautiful natural world.

There's Brown vs Brown as the two codes clash over transport funding and you end up paying massive rates increases like both Chippy and Jacinda warned you about - if you voted for National.

There's even some chats between the so called "wokester" Andy Coster and Mr Plod - as OIA info on their cellphone comms is revealed - and Mr Plod changes tack after roaring like a ferocious lion before the election - but is now a gooey soft marshmallow when Andy can be useful to him.

I'm waiting on Audrey Young's summary of the week because on Waitangi Day I reflected that by now Audrey will find a way to praise Luxon's hollow vague speech and soon things may get hazy about what we all just witnessed.

We witnessed Luxon arguing he had not changed his position when he definitely had and Winston backing up that fib from the Islands, while Seymour contradicted them both.

In summary Seymour is an Atlas Network stooge who is denying all links to it as part of a wider strategy to appear independent.

He wants to force a vote on a one sided Bill, to cut off the bigger conversation we need around 2040 about our constitution and Te Tiriti when we are mature and sufficiently educated - and to help his greedy network get their hands on resources.

Nicole McKee is kind of like The Gun Lobby, Casey Costello is Atlas Network ( Taxpayers Union ) and Big Tobacco, Luxon has links to Big Tobacco, Nicola Willis is Atlas Network and linked to Big Oil...and Goldsmith is being accused of using a "racist weapon" with his scrapping of cultural reports - so he's not going to save us from Seymour.

They are all linked together in a giant crony spa bath - seething with denial and BS ...

That's probably enough for one coffee.

Friday Morning Coffee



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