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G News - Around the Traps

Yesterday G News mentioned how a student president was shouted down by Oliver Sean Plunket on the Platform and her free speech effectively suppressed - as Plunket made sure she never finished a sentence and badgered her for ten minutes about a Free Speech v Hate Speech debate on campus being delayed by the University.

The student president said the Free Speech Union supports questionable causes like Julian Bachelor and Oliver Sean Plunket butted in - and said there were no examples where Maori were turned away - not one single example ever - of them ever having a race barrier.

The Big Hairy News ( check them out on Youtube ) got VUWSA President, Marcail Parkinson on last night and allowed her to speak without being shouted down by an angry white man and being called a snowflake by outraged rednecks and Trumpanzees.

The University postponed a debate due to concerns about a lack of diversity and how the Free Speech Union consistently advocates for hate speech as defined by the UN.

The idea for the Free Speech debate came from the Vice Chancellor who wrote an article - and how the Act Party's free speech law - may restrict minority views.

G News mentioned the format was the issue ...and the likes of Plunket think the University caved to the woke.

Te Tiriti was going to be discussed without any Maori being present and the debate was not a safe space for top academics cos Universities have an ethical need to speak and debate ideas based on research and evidence and scholarship - and there was not enough moderation.

Hence the delay of the debate - due to format issues...and Plunket said "Marcail Parkinson was the mayor of Wokeville" - which was a really weak term thrown about - to shut down and discredit in a power imbalance.

Plunket thinks woke means anything that disagrees with him.

Wow all that information was not conveyed on the Platform thanks to Plunket shouting down his guests. BHN covered lots more too.

The other interesting thing mentioned in that interview - was Marcail confronted Seymour yesterday about the Free Speech Union and the NZ Initiative being funded by the Atlas Network and Seymour ranted out of his mind back to her for about a minute - clearly incredibly sensitive and spewing about defamation.

Wow the Atlas Network and Seymour the graduate - seems sure where the Atlas Network is spending its money.

Clearly since Mihingarangi bought up the Atlas Network on 7 February 2024, Seymour has reacted dishonestly and very defensively about the Atlas Network and the reality of its influence and connections to ACT.

One thing is that funding of the NZ Initiative, The Tax Payers Union and the Free Speech Union is not transparent and there's no balance sheet that breaks down who donates etc that the public can see.

The topic of the Atlas Network will come back into focus when Seymour gets his "Treaty Principles Bill" back into the public eye later this month.

Anyway this is just a followup on yesterday - and a plug for BHN which many who read G news also watch.

Seems we see things in a similar way.

G News - Around the Traps


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