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G News - the good news - 9 May 2024

Updated: May 11

Transpower has warned that there is insufficient generation offers to meet demand and people are requested to go easy on power consumption tomorrow morning between 7am and 9am during the cold snap.

Simeon Brown tried to exploit this by blaming the previous government and dodging questions in parliament again today about consents and demand side issues in the energy sector, as did the Climate Change Minister Simon Watts.

The neat trick National do is transfer the responsibility and then say oh I don't know you'll have to ask the other minister - while Gerry looks on and does nothing.

Today Simon Watts avoided questions about why he has done nothing to solve the demand side issues that result in consented renewable projects just lying around - while at the same time he boasts about doubling or tripling renewable energy generation.

Watts dodged by saying he was not the Minister in November when a report about this was published...after dodging similar questions from the Greens.

"If there's one thing that defines this government is they refuse to answer questions." said an organic punga.

"They are taking the piss, hiding like criminals", said a flax bush.

"I am not the Minister responsible" warbled a majestical Tui before yelling "Yeah Right" and flying off to peck at Simon Watts.

"It's so disappointing to see the lack of integrity and betrayal of New Zealanders in our public institutions as this lot bring the name of parliament into disrepute", said G from G News expressing his opinion about the whole sad show.

"Impunity becomes the very foundation upon which systems of corruption are built", said Monty watching day time telly.

ACC announced it is going to cut 390 jobs, 81 were vacant - and these cuts represent 9% of the total workforce.

DOC is also going to halve it's workforce on the Chatham Islands.

Nicola Willis gave a smug self satisfied speech this morning full of over the top nonsense about sticking with kiwis and how people were having panic attacks in Supermarkets so they needed tax relief.

The smug one gloated that her cuts targets had been reached - with some Government Departments cutting more jobs than others but it all working out to meet her needed slasher reductions for her measly tax relief.

For many the tax cuts total Three Cupa Chups a week but it has been 14 years since we got Chupa Chups so Nicola thinks she has really done the right thing, despite no economists in NZ supporting her.

There's been no word what the new sources of revenue will be to make Nicola's tax relief fiscally neutral - but imagine if we get the Foreign Buyers Tax back or similar shonky BS ideas again?

Willis said the Budget Allowance would be $3.5 Billion and she announced a dodgy neoliberal social investment fund which is seed funding - and the work will likely be reassessed next Budget after it does not work.

Gerry started off Question Time by calling the wrong question as he sets the new standard again.

Nobody Reading this is Gerry Brownlee!!!

Hooray !!!

Big contradictions in Luxon's spin about how he believes in localism and devolution were highlighted in parliament today when Luxon's henchmen are ignoring local community voice and concentrating power in the hands of three ministers with their fast track consenting bill. So much for localism.

Louise Upston announced new job seeker benefit recipients will have to attend a seminar about getting a job or face sanctions as the highly paid punched down on the poor again.

The usual waffle about rights AND RESPONSIBILITIES from the dreadful heartless monster - you know the story.

There's been very little media coverage about the expensive costs to local governments of downgraded credit ratings for long term borrowing to fund water services - as Willis made out that much progress has been made in other regions after Auckland got dragged into a BBB credit rating deal - with the associated high levels of interest on long term borrowing.

The Waitangi Tribunal will examine whether Act's Treaty Principles Bill and policy was consistent with Te Tiriti and whether Māori were likely to suffer prejudice as a result of the policy. A hearing is about a claim is underway in Wellington. The claimants said ACT's interpretation was inaccurate and misleading. Speaking to the Tribunal, Ngāpuhi Kaumātua Hone Sadler said ACT's interpretation was not in tune with the intent of Te Tiriti.

"This cutting and pasting exercise of Te Tiriti o Waitangi demeans, debases and trivialises our founding document as a nation, and disparages and denigrates Ngāpuhi as the guardian of these sacred covenants" he said.

We are probably going to have fish and chips for dinner.

Maybe a couple of sausages.

With some sauce.

Have a great night and stay warm.

G News - the good news


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