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G News - the good news

Helen Clark was right that Luxon was learning on the job and that his communication with minor parties was ragged and needed attention.

Today Luxon lashed out at Seymour and Pumpkin Head Shane Jones for their outrageous remarks about the Waitangi Tribunal and Seymour in typical "arrogant prick" fashion lashed out back - conducting all communications through the media as the coalition creaked and moaned and started to come apart at the seams.

""Those remarks, I think are ill-considered. I think ministers need to exercise good judgement." - chided Luxon.

“I’m surprised to hear this, if you have a concern about another leader’s comments you should raise them directly rather than through media, which is what I now intend to do," Seymour snapped back.

It's not the only time Luxon and Seymour have clashed in the media - with Luxon failing to follow up on a cabinet leak about Act's position of Maori Wards - and before that - Seymour's wise cracks about Luxon's ongoing support for the Treaty Principles Bill.

Tension is brimming and things could blow over at any minute.

Speculation is rife that National has lost points in internal polling and things are getting snappy and cranky as the public shake the bone - at this diabolical load of BS being served up at them every day by this lousy coalition.

The blue suited vanilla bald gorilla back from Manilla had nothing to show for all that wasted time and energy overseas, so it was up to Audrey Young to spin some propaganda to suggest Luxon had delivered in spades on his promises when really the cupboard was bare.

Audrey rushed to give Luxon a bouquet of Luxon Bullshit Orchids saying ..."The bouquet goes to Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, who is now on the final day of his visit to Southeast Asia (Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines). He promised greater intensity in foreign relations and, along with Winston Peters, appears to be delivering."

"Greater intensity? That will please exporters, nothing like tangible intensity to bring home the bacon" laughed an organic punga.

"The Emperor's new clothes are magnificent" marvelled a flax bush, "Three cheers for the delivery of greater intensity".

"Delivery as promised" warbled a majestical Tui before yelling "YEAH RIGHT" and flying off to peck at Todd McClay.

"Jacinda brought home the big FTAs and Chippy sealed the deals and the media lost their minds in negativity, especially Todd McClay who was bitter and scathing", said G from G News, "But now they are bending over kissing the ground where Luxon walks despite him turning up with nothing at all"

"Propaganda does not deceive people; it merely helps them to deceive themselves." said Monty standing by his biscuit bowl.

Audrey also had her blue nose out of joint about how the Police were demanding a fair pay offer from the stingy Nats and she wrote that the rejection by the Police of their latest pay offer in such an environment seems to be slightly detached from reality.

The reality was Luxon and Willis were transferring huge amounts of money to landlords at the expense of police pay and Audrey saw no room for the Police to be picky and hold out for something fair. They needed to go backwards and keep us safe at the same time I suppose in her mind.

Nobody reading this is Gerry Brownlee !!!


National's Penk is stealing money from funds to strengthen buildings against earthquakes leaving people in the lurch and possibly threatening lives as National carry on taking from everything to fund their tax cuts - especially for landlords.

The NZ Herald reported that Labour’s Building and Construction spokeswoman Arena Williams said the decision put the risk on homeowners and councils.

“The residents who are bearing this risk are losing access to valuable support and removing the loan scheme designed to help people rebuild makes things harder for homeowners,” Williams said. " To say the decision to wind the schemes down is separate to the 6.5 per cent cut to MBIE [the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment] is misdirection - we know the MBIE team doing this work has been asked to find savings.”

Mike McRoberts has announced his twenty three year "journey as a news presenter" will end with the imminent closure of Newshub.

Everyone is talking about brutal job cuts in the public service and how unnecessary they are - how National are misleading people, how they have no idea about the impacts - and also how we simply are not being informed about the required number of jobs to achieve desired outcomes in the public service.

Chippy has made it clear that growth has not been explosive when you look at the size of the public service compared to the size of the total work force - like it has grown from 2.5% to 2.6% over five years. Like big deal, woopey do.

All the more reason to be deeply outraged at the unnecessary suffering and turmoil these neoliberal ideologists are punching down on people.

Simon Watts the hapless Climate Change Minister says he has not sought any advice on the climate impacts of the Fast-track Approvals Bill - submissions for which close at midnight tonight.

Talk about utterly useless and slow footed, can it get any worse?

Chlöe reckons Watts is "missing in action" on "one of the most environmentally and climate destructive pieces of this Government's agenda so far".

Sounds about right.

Iran fired air defence batteries early Friday after reports of explosions near a major airbase at the city of Isfahan, the state-run IRNA news agency reported. It's still unclear what is going on.

I discovered I have moderate hearing loss in a hearing check today so will go and get a hearing aid in the next months...which means I won't need the TV up so loud and can stop saying "What?" so often in noisey environments.

Life is full of surprises, but things can only get better.

Have a fabulous evening

G News - the good news


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