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G News - the good news

There was horror and outrage across New Zealand at Christopher Luxon's brazen contempt for the law - after he doubled down on his government's cynical move to side step the Court of Appeal ruling about 7AA by tabling a Bill one hour after the ruling in order to have his own way.

"Luxon's media rounds were a disgrace", said an organic punga noting how Luxon's reasoning was all wrong.

"It's not the right thing to do and this is blatant populist racism, dog whistling to a small constituency that deliberately breaches the Treaty", said a flax bush.

"Child safety is at the centre", warbled a majestical Tui before yelling "YEAH RIGHT" and flying off to peck at Karen Chhour.

"Clause 4A of the Orange Tamariki Act already puts the wellbeing of children as the paramount issue", said G from G News as he read out the clause. "

"In all matters relating to the administration or application of this Act (other than Parts 4 and 5 and sections 351 to 360), the well-being and best interests of the child or young person are the first and paramount consideration, having regard to the principles set out in sections 5 and 13." - said G from G News. "So Luxon is spinning about the right thing to do. This is just a racist assault on Te Tiriti O Waitangi".

"Luxon is straining the nation's soul", said Monty licking his paws.

Although Breakfast media do their best, they are not lawyers and there is not much opportunity for real legal experts to speak to challenge lies and misinformation.

The notion that these people will tear down the Waitangi Tribunal in a few months and David Seymour will try and rewrite Article 2 to an ignorant constituency is infuriating.

NewsHub Nation is going down the drain soon and the state of our media is weak and only getting weaker as Luxon's government sits on it's hands and watched TVNZ shed Fair Go and Sunday.

In other news, Mark Mitchell announced a Gang Policing Unit but did not know the costs and the usual "tough on crime" rhetoric was all over the place while the Unit had no targets and nobody could answer whether there were more or less gang members.

The Unit will commence on 1 July 2024 and start with 25 to 30 staff while district regions will be assigned staff based upon where the gang harm is.

There was no challenge by media about the success or failure of measures in Western Australia or NSW - while Mr Plod referred to secret anecdotes to claim it was the best thing ever and that was that. Operation Cobalt will be institutionalised within the Unit and no longer be temporary.

The ministry of Education has told consultancies it will have contracts for training and advising teachers on NCEA changes, and on the qualification's literacy and numeracy requirements.

RNZ understands both areas are currently covered by ministry staff, who are losing their jobs. RNZ has also been told consulting firms are now asking some of the staff being made redundant to work for them, essentially doing the same work but at double the price the ministry would have paid.

Naturally Christopher Luxon hid behind the usual pleading ignorance about this - hoping the issue will just fade away with a soft media.

Nobody Reading this is Gerry Brownlee !!!

Hooray !!!

Dame Jacinda Ardern got the heck out of Dodge and carried on her work for the Christchurch Call in a new charitable organisation named the Christchurch Call Foundation.

Dame Jacinda will remain an "integral part" of this initiative, as Patron of the Call, the joint statement said.

New Zealand taxpayer funding for the Call will end on June 30, as support functions transfer to the new Secretariat, funded by the new Foundation. "I have advised the Prime Minister that it makes sense for my role to change, and at the same time the new organisation is stood up I will no longer be Special Envoy to the Prime Minister but rather Patron of the organisation as a whole," said Dame Jacinda.

Up to 50 new or converted charter schools will be funded out of Budget 2024, the coalition government has announced. It has set aside $153 million of new funding for the publicly-funded private schools over the next four years. The money will establish 15 new charter schools and convert 35 state schools in 2025 and 2026, depending on demand and suitability.

Up to 200 production staff could be out of jobs, as the 2024 season of The Block NZ is axed.

It's never a cause to celebrate the loss of jobs.

Michael Morrah, who spearheaded a failed attempt by staff to save Newshub's news operation, has taken a new job with the New Zealand Herald as a senior investigative reporter, focused on producing online video news content.

There's probably more like bad weather on the way - but I got a bit of a shock this afternoon which I will talk about in my next post on G News.

My teeth are not hurting much but I am feeling very woozy with antibiotics, and occasional shivers and hot and cold stuff - and I think I look like a freak show.

However who cares about that? Not me really.

Just like to say, we are all going through this Neoliberal attack on our country and one day - I hope every harmful change made by these saboteurs and liars - will be repealed and undone again...line by line, policy by policy in the next Labour/Green/TPM government.

Still looking forward to that next Talbot poll.

Have a great evening.

G News - the good news


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