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G News - the good news

Chris Hipkins said primary schools received on average about $6.50 per meal per day under the current scheme but under Seymour's el cheapo anti woke food scheme - kids were getting a snack.

"In reality that's not going to give the kids the free, healthy, nutritious meals that they have been used to," Chippy said.

Over on the Working Group Podcast run by Bomber - right wing libertarian Damien Grant said he does not believe in the State feeding hungry kids - which is kind of like the Atlas Network talking.

Back to the Chipster.

Stuff reported that Chippy "criticised the Government's intended tax cuts, saying it was not the right time. Instead it was a time to ensure public services were funded appropriately, that programmes like the school lunches programme as it was now were continued, and for driving inflation down and getting the economy back into balance."

On that topic - Kerian McAnulty smashed the shabby Chris Bishop who looked like he had been dragged through a hedge by a tractor - and yeah we all know National has spun a big load of crappola about how everything was right sized in the public service in 2017 when that was underfunding and Libertarian insanity.

"Even the anti 3 Waters Mayors disagree with Bishop's anti democratic fast track the power to myself schemes", said an organic punga.

"The fact people vote for this is a good reason to lose faith in humanity" reflected a Flax Bush.

"Eight years to consent a windfarm" warbled a majestical Tui before yelling "Yeah Right" and flying off to peck at Bishop's hair.

"You've got so much anti democratic dodgy dealing happening with Shane Jones having secret meetings and these guys drawing up a list of filthy projects to skip around the Environment court", said G from G News.

"Corruption is nature's way of restoring our faith in democracy" said Monty - bowing low like he was Peter Ustinov.

 Sure enough Forest & Bird says the inclusion of a company forced to pay costs by the Environment Court on the list of companies the Beagle Boys sent fast-track application information to - shows the process is fundamentally flawed.

Nobody reading this is Gerry Brownlee !!!

Hooray !!!

Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier released his report on Thursday into whether the NZDF misled him while he was looking into complaints over their refusal to release crucial information about Operation Burnham.

Anna from TVNZ Breakfast gave birth to a baby girl.

Oliver Sean Plunket has been trying to put down Tikanga being compulsory for Lawyers to learn while championing that KC named Judd - but Plunket bit off more than he could chew when he tried to set up Jane Kelsely - on his two bit show named the Platform.

Plunket tried the usual bully boy, barge in and cut off tactics - but Jane said oi - mate - and Plunket backed down - allowing Jane to point out what Tikianga is - and how it's been a part of the lectures she gave right through her lecturing career of 43 years since 1979. Jane was able to get across a few points before Plunket could not help himself and started snapping about slavery before European contact know the usual hater focus that misses the point.

Everyone's shaking their head at Mr Plod as our police bugger off to Aussie while NSW offers a $25 grand relocation and double the pay. What a fail Mr Plod has been in his tight blue suit.

120 jobs went down the drain at NZTA and 391 at MPI bringing the overall total of unnecessary job cuts to fund Nicola's tax cuts to 4,559.

1 News reported that half of the stupid actions the Government called KPIs in it's quarterly BAU BS have been done. Like they made decisions and raised the energy - flying around the world - but of course zero FTAs have been signed - and it was all a waste of time and the wrong decisions were made. However some media say they are on track - as if it all meant something.

To be frank it's been appalling. You know it. Luxon must be the biggest faker NZ has ever seen.

How the hell did this happen? I know right!

Charter schools the failed experiment is back - Military Boot camps - do not work - Three Dumb Strikes - a Patch Ban that does not reduce crime - the Gender Police patrolling the toilets, the woke food, the end to Vaccine Mandates that have already ended, the culture war on Māori for populist racist votes, Sir Bill's vanity project experiment with social investment - and the war against first home buyers and the return of the unproductive property speculator.

Yeah it's a long way from what we once had.

I learnt a bit about AI image and video production today and Vicki and I are still looking for a place to live but I will let ya know. I'm a bit of a freak show - so I wear a scarf and am taking pain killers and all that. Thanks for your incredible support...unbelievable.

I'll do better soon, been a bumpy week.

Have a great night.

G News - the good news


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