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G News - The Good News

The Government is privatising parts of Kāinga Ora in two steps. First they have sacked the Board and appointed a new Chair Simon Mouter. At the end of the year - loads of State houses and opportunities will be transferred to community housing providers - although Bishop was not keen to say so today, but it is clear he will thanks to questions by Jenna Lynch.

Luxon tried to deflect and direct questions away from Lynch but she was onto it.

"Of course he did not want it to look like Sir Bill creates the problem followed by the Neoliberal solution", said an organic punga.

"There's a strong smell of Neoliberal BS in the air", said a flax Bush.

"KO is not financially viable" warbled a majestical Tui before yelling "YEAH RIGHT" and flying off to peck at Chris Bishop.

"They talk about a turn around - but they always planned to flick half the pie out into private hands", said G from G News.

"Half a truth is the ally of vice", said Monty reclining oh his favourite cushion, "You may get hold of the wrong half".

In other news Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian have been killed in a helicopter crash in Iran’s East Azerbaijan province. Luxon was unaware in the presser.

Sir John Key is being sued for alleged insider trading in the US by PAN. Directors and managers of the California-based Palo Alto Networks cybersecurity company are being sued by shareholders. Once again Luxon said "I am unaware of that".

A Hercules has flown to New Caledonia to try and rescue 200 stranded kiwis - but things are in limbo as we try and communicate with the French Government.

An open letter to criminalise stalking has been sent to the government and private members bill lodged by Labour's Ginny Andersen.

The crisis of meth in Fiji is dire and the amount of meth sitting in houses - even just one - is enough to supply Australia for a year.

The Mexican drug cartels are using Fiji as a storage facility to feed supply to Australia and New Zealand. Families in Fiji are suffering - with fathers addicted, wives being prostituted, children sent to school to sell product and all levels of society are riddled with the stuff according to TVNZ. There will be more on this on TVNZ 1 News - especially about HIV in Fiji as well.

Nobody reading this is Gerry Brownlee

Hooray !!!

Kiri Allan has to go to trial this week over that crash incident.

Simon Bridges is brushing off his 120 km per hour speeding ticket in 2018 now that he is Chair of Waka Kotahi saying he learned a lesson.

Broccoli is 32.3% cheaper now than it was a year ago thanks to a bumper crop is more regular weather.

New Zealand homelessness is the worst in the OECD if you count victims of domestic violence and asylum seekers looking for temporary accomodation. If you don't count those things it is about 7th worst out of 38 nations.

The number of unemployed people has not peaked and there is still 26,000 people who may lose their jobs if projections are correct.

Banks do not expect the Reserve bank will lower the OCR on Wednesday and predict it will stay the same.

Torrential rain is about to dump on the North Island.

Auckland is going to get massive rain from 9PM overnight and it's supposed to ease by tomorrow morning. Other areas like the East Coast are in for a soaking.

Vicki and I are starting to look for new places - going to see one tomorrow morning - not many long term rentals around here, mostly short term.

Monty saw the vet today and has a clean bill of health, no fleas, very handsome, and vets fussing over his fabulous healthy a small tiger.

Have a pleasant evening

G News - the good news


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