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G News - the good news

Christopher Luxon is running around crying about "tough choices" like a big victim baby after breaking his election promise like a dodgy scumbag - concerning decisions to smash the dreams of first home buyers. Nobody buys that crock.

“We have to make tough choices and the choice that we made is that we want 1500 more social housing places,” Luxon said as everyone spat on the ground.

"I fully understand there will be some people that will be disappointed by that but the reality is we think that, as we've said, we'll stop some programmes and power up other programmes," said Luxon as people turned away.

Chris Bishop abruptly announced on Wednesday that applications for the grant of up to $10,000 per individual for a first home were closed, effective immediately although existing applications would be honoured.

"He did that cos of the leak and to stop a rush of people applying for a week" seethed an organic punga who rarely lost his temper like this.

"What an absolute tosser, full of shite", said a flax bush needing another smoke.

"Tough Choices Woe is Me", warbled a majestical Tui who was blimmen wild this time and screamed "YEAH FARKING RIGHT" before dive bombing Chris Bishop.

"This has been absolute dog's breakfast, from funding Sir Bill $274,000 out of transitional housing places, to the government leaking and cutting of first home buyers. They had a choice and they choose to pay back their donors and landlords to the tune of $2.9 Billion. What a disgrace", said G from G News - his hand slightly twitching like a fuse may blow.

"At its worst Government is intolerable", said Monty realising things were getting a bit tense.

The government gave the middle finger to localism today as they taunted and mocked the 50 mayors who had written to them about their objections to the racist requirement to go to referendum on Maori Wards - this is what institutional racism looks like - personified in the arrogance of Slytherin Brown.

Nobody Reading this is Gerry Brownlee!!!

Hooray !!!

Rishi Sunak has called a snap election after he was so useless the country stopped listening to the government and 61% said the Tories were heading in the wrong direction.

IRD are prosecuting a man who allegedly defrauded the taxpayer $977,000 in covid wage subsidies. The trial is in mid 2025.

Atlas Network Managing Director of the NZ Initiative Roger Partridge wrote an article about regulatory overreach from the RBNZ cos he thinks the draft report from the Commerce Commission says the big four Aussie banks should not have to hold so much capital.

1480 motorists have had their drivers licence registrations and vehicle registrations accessed illegally by some dodgy dealer.

MSD is cutting 700 jobs and Doc 124 staff as everyone impacted pays the price for Nicola's dumb tax cuts for Landlords.

24 more jobs in engagement and partnership will fall under the axe at NZTA after 109 roles were slashed from the Clean Car Discount and 12 roles from the digital team. The PSA said said the staff worked on road safety campaigns.

Today, Willis acknowledged these cuts would go further. The savings would not be funnelled into tax relief, but into fiscal sustainability.

Pumpkin Head Jones wants to double exports from mining from $1 Billion to $2 Billion by 2035 and produce 7,000 jobs as Act dances around singing "Drill baby drill" like they don't give a damn about the environment.

Winston says Palestine has to hold an election before it is up to being a accepted as a state.

Thanks for your continued support.

Vicki has my mashed up dinner ready which as fish blended into it so I have to run.

Have an awesome Thursday evening.

G News - the good news


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