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G News - the good news

BHN pointed out that Nicola Willis was moaning how the tax take was down by $1.5 Billion - and that - if that was the case - how insane is it - to go ahead with a tax cut at the very time that the amount of revenue coming in was already cut and too low - and there is a structural deficit equivalent to "1.5% of GDP" this year.

The structural deficit in the longer term is paying for things like the growing superannuation bill, more frequent climate weather events and rising health costs - not the cost of departments, and lucky pant suit or not - Nicola just looks like a real dork telling us we need hope and relief - while doing the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Speaking of wrong - Jack Tame asked a straw man question in an opinion article on 1 News today when he wrote "ask yourself if the first home buyer fund would solve housing supply?"

Gee Jack no - given that the first home buyer fund was put there to "tilt the housing market playing field" back in favour of first home buyers who were being squeezed out by property speculators - and it's a demand side policy - why would it solve supply? Dur times a billion Jack.

"Yes it could be Jack wants Mike Hosking's job by carrying on like that", said an organic Punga.

"The old straw man argument exploits human susceptibility to logical fallacy" said a flax bush, "Everyone knows that right wing media are making excuses for utter rubbish from Luxon and Bishop right now".

"That's not our focus" warbled a majestical Tui before yelling "YEAH RIGHT" and flying off to peck at Chris Bishop who was riding home on a ferry.

"Whether it's Nicola Willis making bizarre wrong headed economic decisions based on election bribes, or Nat friendly media skipping over the brickbats of Luxon and his broken promises - it's pretty clear you cannot justify taking away the first home buyer funding until you do solve supply issues." - said G from G News, echoing Kieran.

"When a false argument dresses up as a true one, that's sophistry", said Monty wondering what all those cardboard boxes were about.

In other news a 13 year old has been charged with murder after the fatal stabbing of a 16 year old at a bus hub in Dunedin.

Two Kiwis are still in hospital in Bangkok after they were badly injured in that Singapore airlines flight from London. One man had 31 stitches in his ear.

In an impassioned introductory speech for the debate, Willie Jackson implored the British Museum to return seven mokomokai - preserved heads of Māori ancestors - to New Zealand. Too right - and Willie channelled David Lange when he said "I can smell the colonialism on your breath". Willie's team won.

Jude the Ripper was the biggest spender - spending $150K on expenses in Q1 - followed by Winston on 138K and Todd McClay on $53K. None of them have anything to show for it - not a single new FTA has been signed and none upgraded as being busy flying around is not an outcome.

Nobody reading this is Gerry Brownlee !!!

Hooray !!!

Invercargill Council is refunding $450,880 worth of parking fines lol - cos the parking meters did not communicate the bylaw.

Canterbury Police are disappointed at people driving on the wrong side of the road saying a ute with a trailer had all six wheels on the wrong side of the road as it swung round a blind corner.

A man ( could it be Chris Bishop avoiding scrutiny like a flounder on the bottom? ) went overboard from an East West Ferry as people search the harbour. The man was described as in his forties and Pakeha.

John Hawkesby is selling his wine collection on Wednesday May 29, from 6.30PM but I was not interested enough to know where. Anyway it contains some pearler Burgundy and Bordeaux bottles.

Aucklanders were annoyed that the Council paid for a $150K statue in a park and then removed a rubbish bin from the same park - for cost saving reasons lol. Pakuranga - yep.

Danielle Aitchinson wiped 0.7 seconds from the world 200 metres track sprint record to claim GOLD - at the 2024 para Athletics world champs in Japan. Way to go.

Vicki had a nasty fall at work and skinned her knee and elbows and I am off to get her now...but never fear, we are dropping some food over to a very dear Canadian friend in her nineties - and she has the wine ready to heal any ills.

Have a beautiful Friday evening and I will be back a bit later on.

G News - the good news


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