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G News - the good news

Claire Trevett thinks Nicola Willis' Budget 24 will not be judged by her piddling wrong headed tax cuts but the question of her "economic credibility".

The forests echoed with they titter so. OMG, "our numbers are rock solid again, that is what I am saying to very very clearly" - brace yourselves.

Steven $4000 per day Joyce - says " we might be disappointed but that is probably a good thing" while the Nats are saying "it's good for you to be a loser".

"For every winner there will be a loser" says Claire, and the whole thing is getting across that "things might be very very bad but Willis will fix everything in the long run".

It was all about setting very low expectations so people say - well that was not so bad, at least things will get better by 2030.

"Every economist in NZ thinks her tax cuts are madness", said an organic punga fanning itself in the shade of an old Kauri.

"Even Luke Malpsass has finally cottoned on there's big rates increases coming, rent increases following that and no relief for people with mortgages for ages", said a flax bush laughing at the credibility thing.

"We are the Superior Economic Managers" warbled a majestical Tui before yelling "YEAH RIGHT!! " and swooping to peck at Claire Trevett.

"Willis will perform a look at these cost savings from 5000 job cuts and slashed services that fund my tax cuts with one hand - and borrowings that are behind her back to fund the structural deficit as something completely separate" said G from G News, "We are getting used to the conjurers sleight of hand, sales tricks now".

"Things are not always as they seem; the first appearance deceives many", said Monty who was right about that.

At least labour's Barbara Edmonds would dig out the deceptions for us - given she is actually a qualified tax lawyer unlike Willis who despite her lucky pantsuit is more an English Literature kinda gal.

Luke Malpass said Willis had "grown into her role at a rate of knots" but seriously stop with the greasing Luke.

There's intense media interest about the Budget like kids waiting for Christmas - but what is under the neoliberal wrapping?

More half truths and hand waving the other behind the back - "You are conflating totally separate things" etc.

There are 21,710 student loan borrowers over the age of 65 according to data released on 30 June 2023 - but only 16,600 actually live in New Zealand.

A fourth flight taking New Zealanders out of riot-torn New Caledonia has departed from Nouméa and is on its way back to Auckland.

There's been two small volcanic eruptions at Whakarri/White Island - one on Friday at 8.30am and one this morning at 8.10am so the volcanic alert level is raised to 3.

The Defence Force has had their "up to $1200 per year" education support scheme slashed by this government - leaving some military officers saying - now there is even less incentive for experienced staff to stay in the military.

Nobody Reading this is Gerry Brownlee !!!

Hooray !!!

Rachel Burt the lawyer running the independent investigation into the Darleen Tana issue - is not going to delay the investigation any longer after one of the complainants said no - he did not want to be interviewed - only to come back and say - okay now it's time to interview me - at the 11th hour on Thursday.

Too late dude - the delays are being moaned about in DumbTown every day as they chew the cud about costs - so the complainant has screwed this up. Plus he was working on an illegal VISA for most it.

Simeon Brown has refused to hand over what advice he had about the state of national-level emergency towing capability options when Willis rushed to cancel the Mega Cook Strait Ferries. Brown hid behind commercial sensitivity - so much for transparency.

Suzanne Hall from Forest and Bird was a registered attendee at a public meeting called by Shane Jones at Blackball - but she and three other women were not allowed into the room where the audience whooped and cheered out of pure self interest.

A complaint has been lodged about the police officer who prevented her entry and reports on NewsRoom suggest that locals were rude, angry and yelled at protestors like a pack of low EQ hot heads.

Pumpkin head Jones sneaked off to a secret mine visit - and only came clean afterwards - dodgy bro.

Super Size Me documentary maker Morgan Spurlock has died from cancer aged 53 in New York - he is survived by two sons.

Last time I looked the Black Ferns' Pacific Four series clash with the Wallaroos at North Harbour Stadium is looking like a big win to the Black Ferns - no spoilage but wow.

I am off to collect Vicki soon but first I gotta rinse out three empty coffee cups...and make sure everything is in order in the Kitchen.

Have a relaxing Saturday afternoon.

G News - the good news


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