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G News - the good news

Heather Duplicity Allan has stuck a vicious, self righteous, and indignant boot into TPM saying their behaviour towards Karen Chhour is ridiculous and that they conducted a racist attack on Karen.

According to Duplicity it was racist because TPM wrote Karen was raised disconnected from her whakapapa and a knowledge of her Māoritanga. Duplicity imagined Karen's daughter would have been upset by this so called "racist" attack and that TPM were saying she was not the "right kind of Māori".

But wait ...what about some reality and context.

Karen has been leading the assault on Māori mokopuna after the Waitangi Tribunal expressed concern for consideration that the government’s singular focus on the implementation of a commitment made in one of the coalition agreements has caused it to disregard its obligations under the Treaty; that the rushed repeal of section 7AA will cause actual harm; and the availability of a more principled way forward under section 448B of the Act.

Plus Karen and the Government had side-stepped the decision of the Supreme Court that Karen should stump up with evidence about her anecdotal accounts.

"Talk about Karen acting in bad faith and Duplicity pleading victimhood with a whole load of imaginary sauce on top", said an organic punga who has seen it all before.

"This Government has gone to a colonial war against Maori and when anyone pushes back Duplicity cries racist", remarked a flax bush looking over the tree tops in the valley below.

"Māori are racists" warbled a majestical Tui before yelling "YEAH RIGHT" and flying off to peck at Duplicity.

"Duplicity was fined after she told her listeners in September 2018 that - “The Pacific Islands don't matter. They are nothing but leeches on us.” ", said G from G News, "So when it comes to pot calling the kettle racist, irony has a good laugh".

"Racism is a system of advantage based on race. It is a hierarchy." said Monty noting Duplicity's origins and the colonial history of Aotearoa New Zealand.

John Tamihere reckoned there won't be any big wins in Budget 24 for Māori - cos that's the system when this lot are in power.

In other news there is concern that Government Policy will make renting more insecure with the return of 90 day no cause terminations. Some people are tired of jumping between flats with months of uprooted lives - while Chris Bishop is suggesting all landlords are good, many tenants are bad, and the President of the Property Investors Federation says,"Good tenants have nothing to fear".

Erica Stanford has set no targets and would not say if there will still be a teacher shortage at the end of this parliamentary term.

Erica also made everyone laugh how Murray McCully is the best person in NZ to conduct a crony review into school builds.

The government has announced 1500 new teachers over 4 years at a cost of $53 Million to attract, train and retain them.

Nobody reading this is Gerry Brownlee!!!

Hooray !!!

Two men were pulled out of the Newmarket Olympic Pool - after it is understood they were holding their breath - but both are still in critical condition.

A strong quake hit Vanuatu. The quake had a preliminary magnitude of 6.3 when it hit at 10:23am.

There's an emergency nationwide Mobile Alert Test tonight so don't freak out too much.

Duncan Garner has a new podcast called the "Editor in Chief" which may be his last hurrah - and it starts tomorrow.

A recent Talbot Mills poll found 66% of people support a full reinstatement of support and equipment funding for disabled people and carers.

Sally Selwood lost her vision temporarily because of a chemical injury suffered while she was using Double Bubble - Wet & Forget. The product should come with a warning she said.

Wellington runner James Preston beat Sir Peter Snell’s 62 year old NZ 800 metre record in a time of 1 minute 44.04 seconds to qualify for the Paris Olympics.

Vicki and I saw a place we liked today - but we still have to do an interview - and you know how it is - but fingers crossed.

If it is meant to be - then it will all work out.

Have a peaceful Sunday afternoon.

G News - the good news


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