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G News - The Good News

G News has learned that Labour's internal poll also has the coalition falling short of cobbling the numbers to keep the Treasury benches.

The April Talbot Mills that the NZ Herald never published ( Why not Claire? ) , Labour is neck-and-neck with the Nats - the red team on 33 percent and the blue on 34 percent.

Wooh...feel the yellow river running down Luxon's leg as he pretends to be cool as a cucumber ...

That's two polls which makes a trend....the gaps have closed up..and of course Nicola Willis is busy rushing around dismissing the Verian Poll as silliness.

National deputy leader and Finance Minister Nicola Willis said she was "very relaxed" about the poll result while refusing to comment on her party's internal polling.

OMG even National's polling says they are sinking...what are they sinking about ...yes...being a load of dickheads.

"You may be driven by what the poll last night said, but we are driven by New Zealand's future. That's what New Zealanders want us to be focused on," Willis told media.

"I'm just not going to be drawn into this silliness, frankly, two-and-a-half years out from an election." said Willis with her nose in the air as she stomped off in an elite snobby better than you fashion.

Back at the NZ Herald - there's a bottle of gin missing from the Liquor cabinet and Audrey is writing with a new flourish as she has a crack at Luxon - who in the Post Cabinet Presser yesterday - backed himself into a corner - by vowing that all National policies will be fully funded for four years in the Budget.

Today Luxon was backing down like a total fraud and chumpster :


 “Yesterday you said all programmes in the Budget would be fully funded over four years. Are you standing by that?”


“... There might be some time-limited funding but we’ll be transparent about that”.

Audrey was unimpressed that the foolish PM corrected his answer 13 hours later. If that's not incompetent what is?

Surely this should have earned Luxon a BRICKBAT - but there's a golden rule at the NZ Herald ...always suck up to Luxon.

Instead Audrey dished out a BRICKBAT to Labour again - as she does at times like these - and this time it was MP Shanan Halbert, who had described the Government’s appointment of former Deputy Prime Minister Paula Bennett as the new chair of Pharmac as “more jobs for your mates”.

Too close to the bone for Audery as she mumbled about Steve Maharey. Clearly the fact Pullya is totally scamming it - is not the point...not to Audrey...bless.

I am unable to post the videos from Question Time from parliament for you today ...because I had to travel and get a hearing test for a hearing aid done ( a proper test this time and I had to pick a hearing aid too ).

Anyway when I finally got back home - I discovered they have messed with the parliamentary videos and are being slow to publish them now - introducing long delays - in order to prevent the public from scrutinising the Government as easily.

You know how it goes with these scum bags.

I will have those vids tomorrow - on time as per usual.

Nobody reading this is Gerry Brownlee !!!


But... I listened to the second half of parliament anyway as soon as I was out of that hearing test ( cos I took my headphones just in case ) and I can tell you Nicola Willis was shameful and Barbara Edmonds had her on the ropes - so Willis started flinging her arms around all over the shop at the end of the exchange - here we go again - Willis and her low EQ and loudness - but the facts remained she was evading answering most of Barbara's questions.

Luxon hid behind process with Debs from TPM over Fast Track Consenting and potential conflicts of interest - claiming there are no projects right now - ta da - so there - and he hid behind Court proceedings over 7AA - the same old evasion and game playing with democracy - no wonder the public are turning on these creeps.

The ducking and diving is shameful...may the polls keep on crashing and evening up.

The Court of Appeal will look at the appeals made about the Waitangi Tribunal summons of Karen Chhour tomorrow and on Thursday.

It's going to take Louise Upston 4 long months to drag out a review into the Ministry for Disabilities and funding issues. A review that had already been announced back in March but was announced again this morning.

Dr Ayesha Verrall smashed Dr Cigaretti as well about how he is cutting Hospital Services when he promised to fix the workforce issues and Kieran hauled up Willis for trying to attack the opposition using Patsy Questions.

Of Course Gerry ruled on the side of his mates ...which just puts people off participating in Audrey says it's superb.

Then there is a pay increase for MPs.

As you know Luxon is about to be rolling in $50,000 more cash as MPs get big pay while he slashes everything else around him and forces more austerity on the poor ...he is no Jacinda aye.

In Luxon's case he will grab the cash with both hands and make a stash - all for providing us all with word salads and avoiding answering questions - but of course - he reckons the decision was out of his hands cos he is quite a greedy person and entitled...remember that living allowance debacle.

As previously mentioned, Winston is giving us a speech about Aukus Pillar 11 tomorrow and James Shaw is giving us his valedictory speech.

We all know there are protests tomorrow as well.

Great News about that Talbot Poll - and Chris Bishop can say what he likes - but he is going down lol.

G News - The Good News


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