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Monday Morning Coffee

The Atlas Network are set to enter the Treaty Grounds at 11am, led by Christopher Luxon and followed by David Seymour, Nicola Willis, Winston, Shane Jones, Tama, Dr Cigareti and the frowning Louise Upston etc.

It's anticipated that the traditional welcome may be very intense and the Atlas Network may have to listen to some harsh criticism from iwi who don't want to fight, but the price of not fighting is their grand children.

Luxon's Coalition had no plan to replace the Māori Health Authority with anything that works, just assimilate it back into what has never worked.

So much for getting things done while elsewhere Napier Council warns the rates are going to increase by over 20% in 2024/25 eating up piddling tax cuts many times over, and Waka Kotahi warns it's billions short and must delay many projects, while the energy sector say tight electricity supply situations will increase now.

Yes Luxon's promise to get things done is a load of cobblers.

Nothing is planned to stop kids vaping as Vape Ads run amok now and of course we all know that Luxon has the blood of 8,000 new smokers on his hands over the next years up to 2040.

Luxon and the Atlas Network Three Headed Taniwha are also being criticised by Local Government NZ for selectively singling out Maori Wards for referendum, enabling a non-maori majority to suppress Maori representation, and Local Government says Luxon should butt out cos no other group is singled out for referendum like this.

LGNZ president Sam Broughton asked the Government to treat Māori wards fairly, adding councils don't need a referendum and are more than capable of making those decisions on their own.

Luxon's centralised, Wellington based ideological interference on racial grounds makes a mockery of his spin about "devolution and localism", and it also a hat tip to frightened grumpy racists and typical Atlas Network policy that creates division.

Naturally Act's Brooke Van Robot deployed "woke language" back on "the woke", by saying it was all about inclusion and that Maori already have 13% representation in local government so she could not see the need for Maori Wards.

Booke Van Robot also said we should not think Maori all have the same views - cos some of her colleagues in Act don't agree with labour MPs and TPM MPs so there.

So yes we all setp back in time with Act as it wags Luxon.

Meanwhile Dr Jarrod Gilbert wrote in the NZ Herald that Mark Mitchell was right for a short moment until Luxon and Winston made him say he was wrong.

Yes Luxon and Winston are conscience free about messing with right and wrong cos there's no chance Police can hire an extra 500 police above attrition in two years. Clearly Winston has ensured that the goal in the Coalition agreement is slippery and watery and evades accountability by "striving for new police" without defining what that means.

It means they only have to strive - but not achieve the target and "new" is a very flexible word leaving all sorts of recruits to be counted - never mind attrition.

Back to Waitangi - where Tama Iti has lead a hikoi of over 200 dressed in black and white onto the grounds where they are being welcomed this morning.

Tāme Iti's performance art protest has arrived at the upper Treaty grounds. The white flags symbolise a blank canvas, a new story, tangata whenua and Tangata Tiriti together united.

NewsHub's Jenna Lynch reckoned Māori want the Government to front up and tell them what their plan is if they are going to start disestablishing authorities and meddling around with the Treaty's principles.

"There is tension hanging in the air here. People are unhappy, they are uncomfortable, they are anxious, they are angry, they are sad about what the Coalition Government is planning to do with Māori."

Yes it's going to be one hell of a BBQ - and although we may not see Shane Jones rotating on a spit, we are possibly in for some very strong language and expressions of dissatisfaction this morning as the Atlas Network tries to portray itself as the reasonable, and rational party.

Will Luxon be carrying his cue cards, all about Captain Cook sailed south from Tahiti in 1769 and how the first Luxon settled on the West Coast?

Will Luxon make everyone suck eggs again?

However right now - deep down, Luxon's Atlas Network mob have stirred up huge concern - as they threaten to mess with the Waitangi Tribunal next - after they tick off this box.

Luxon better not try and shame Maori over education again - when the education system is not respectful nor inviting for Māori - said Chippy as Labour and the Greens stand beside Maori as partners - while David Seymour declares there is no partnership between races.

"If the Treaty affords rights, it should afford the same rights and duties to all." - said Seymour, stirring up more division on the eve of Waitangi Day and looking for a fight.

Monday Morning Coffee



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