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More Atlas Network Minimisation and Attack

Oliver Sean Plunket has lashed out at Mihingarangi for being in a business with a partner who is married to the Chair of RNZ.

Plunket is asking if that's a conflict of interest?

Clearly the Atlas Network are rattled and Plunket is throwing the kitchen sink at RNZ and in particular Mihingarangi for reporting the facts - making documentaries about how the Atlas Network influenced the referendum in Aussie called the Voice - and also how she challenged David Seymour about his involvement with the Atlas Network.

Seems Plunket can't sleep at night and might be developing an obsession akin to Hosking over Jacinda in my opinion, based on his recent attacks against Mihingarangi.

These have been regular in past days.

Today Plunket hauled in another member of the Atlas Network in New Zealand who exerts influence in New Zealand over economic matters, onto his show today.

That member is Eric Crampton from the New Zealand Initiative.

Plunket asked him if he had any association with the Atlas Network while mocking the concept and he and Crampton had a good smirk about it - as Crampton went through the usual process.

That process involved stating that the NZ Initiative is indeed part of the loose network of think tanks called the Atlas Network - but how the NZ Initiative does not accept nor apply for grants from them and the $75,000 in the latest report he'd seen from Atlas was not much really.

This was the same spin used by Farrar you'll find one thing they all have in common is they all use the same lines - how they are independent, how they are non-partisan and not at all alarmed about the climate.

However what they really are about is influencing voters to elect a government who supports their interests, driving campaigns ( Mother of all protests, anti three waters, anti smoke free, cut corporate welfare to do nothing about climate ), and even stacking the cabinets of governments with their alumni, who they develop and train...and while Farrar etc may say "the Atlas network" does not get involved in local issues - they really do.

For example the NZ Initiative ran campaigns before the election - including running down Labour ...

"Covid does not explain this failure. As we show in our new paper, Labour’s costly lack of delivery was well-established before Covid and continued as Covid abated." - NZ Initiative.


"Future historians may conclude that the Sixth Labour Government collapsed under the weight of its own contradictions." - NZ Initiative.

We all know Casey Costello ( part of the Atlas Network with the TPU ) - was hauled over to speak in Australia, 10 months ago on Atlas Network Think Tank - to lend support to the notion that giving indigenous rights representation was creating victimhood and separatism and an endless Treaty gravy train of entitlement that never ends. ( Look it up on youtube )

They work as a network - flying in speakers, issuing press releases and generating headlines for story hungry media to get clicks.

Today Crampton was on about social media tax and media biting their own hands ...but you get the picture's about influencing and shaping public opinion - shackling democracy, privatising, devolving ...libertarian freedom for Big Oil etc.

Plunket also hauled in Bryce Edwards from the dubious Democracy Project today - who was only too pleased to talk about how the polls show strong support for Act and the Treaty principles bill - when he meant - a single poll all alone - from the Atlas Network.

Sure enough internet troll Nicola Joy has swallowed it all and imagines there must be many polls saying the same thing - and Plunket whispers in her ear - that people want this to be debated ...and she agrees.

It's all part of the influence to get rid of the limits applied by Te Tiriti so the Atlas Network affiliates can get back to mining and drilling....and anyone who thinks so is a crazy conspiracy theorist - especially those academics and journalists.

Especially Mihingarangi.

More Atlas Network Minimisation and Attack


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