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Poor Christopher Luxon and the tough choices

So much had changed in the short six months since Christopher Luxon emphatically promised first home buyers that there was no way in hell - he would be cutting the First Home Buyer Grant - when on the election trail.

You can trust Christopher Luxon not to break his promises.

He said no, and he meant no, it was how he rolls, how he leads.

Voters banked that away and decided - maybe this guy was worth a shot ...a vote for change ...he would not lie - not to our faces ...but oh ...poor poor poor Christopher Luxon - the victim of such terrible changes in circumstance - like not much really.

In fact the money was sitting there - there was more than enough - but did Christopher really care now he had those votes based on his promise as a man, eye to eye, soul to soul...with the voters?

On the one hand he had wealthy mega landlords and political party donors to reward and on the other an election promise he made in haste to get rid of that pesky Jenna Lynch while dishing out ice-creams and performing circus tricks - with high energy levels.

Now everything was different cos - Luxon no longer needed that vote to get his wet squid like hands on power and now - he was PM bristling - with the power to be a swinging dick - and now - he memorised the script that he - he was the real victim here - cos poor poor him - facing a tough choice to break his "rock solid" promise to first home buyers or suck up to the big end of town.

Community Housing Providers had been starved of funds in the future and for 7 months now - and they sang out while Chris Bishop chuckled and slapped his knee - failing to listen.

"Let them eat a fiscal cliff" chuckled the flapping flounder in his expensive home over the harbour in Wellington.

The "Fiscal cliff fiction" was a convenient fabrication he would use to accuse Grant Robertson of posting a closer than real return to surplus...surely some would be fooled - as legions of conservative National voters chinned up to their violins and played a sad, sad symphony, poor Christopher Luxon and poor Chris Bishop...having to make such tough choices.

Bishop would cut the funds from first home buyers leaving many unable to get into their first home for - at least another year - and then walk around boasting about 1500 more social housing places - but as we all knew - they had actually lowered the amount of funds for social housing compared to Labour's funding levels.

The whole thing was a carefully crafted deception - to make it appear that social housing ( as opposed to State Housing ) was the way to go - but in actual reality like most National deals - they were selling a bad deal - hiding half the truth and it was all a broken promise to go with it.

NewsHub ran the story of the solo mum working two jobs with teenage kids who had her dream stolen by Bishop and his cruel cuts - as Bishop tried to minimise the harm he was doing to so many first home buyers - young couples, the solo parents, the vulnerable without the rich parents - as Bishop had his own life sorted - punching down.

The "either or" was really "an and" and we could have both the First Home Buyer Grant - until we have fixed housing Supply "AND" community housing providers building "scocial housing"

The funds for 80 transitional houses that would have been built now sat in Sir Bills fat bank account as he rubbed his double dipping hands together. This was more than he got for writing the forward to the Taxpayers' Union book.

The stealing from the poor to give to the rich was disgusting.

How much harm was "good old Bish" doing using that "I'm one of you mate" ugly tree charm?

Punching down, fibbing like a flatfish, smoke and cancer, you name it - using "He's one of the lads" as his calling card, Bishop was wrecking things all over the place...while Luxon lied at incredible speed...and all the while ...Slytherin Brown tried to bring back discriminatory racism into Local Government.

It was a tough choice - but "the right thing to do" - to single out Maori Wards and bash Māori with "democracy" while Urban Wards and Rural wards were white enough to escape Slytherin Brown's brown skin club.

If it's white it's alright, it's it's brown - Slytherin Brown - wants a binding referendum.

This was disgraceful racism and spoke volumes about Christopher Luxon as he presided over the racism, made slippery excuses for it, nurtured it, grew it and deep down likely revelled in it...after all those copy and paste speeches on Waitangi Day.

Over on the Platform Oliver Sean Plunket read out the names of democratically elected Mayors who he did not think should be able to make local decisions based on their elected mandates - and he took almost ten minutes to read all the names out and then brand them all as absolute idiots.

That's Oliver Sean Plunket for he fed the redneck 5% and they ate up the racism for breakfast.

It was important to hide and deny the racism - but kiwis can see it..."there is no New Zealand" went the Blam Blam Blam of it all...which meant..there bloody well is.

The orchestra of "Poor Christopher he has to make tough Choices" leaned into it - conducted by Mike Hosking and things were getting grim, people were angry and fed up - the Nats were plunging in the polls - so it was time to bring in the NZ Herald cheerleading pom pom team to write a puff piece to blow smoke up Christopher and Willis to DumbTown.

Right on cue this morning Claire Trevett discovered how Willis had noticed Luxon's picture frame used to have a photo of himself in his office - cos well - it reminded poor Christopher of home...looking at himself.

The puff article was about the great Sir Bill and the great Sir John in the glory days when Claire and Audrey and Fran worshipped these heroes - and now it was up to Luxon and Willis to be those kind of heroes in the Budget next Thursday.

Over on AM Lloyd had revealed that the bespectacled ferret Goldsmith was calling a decrease in defence spending an increase cos capital spending was lumpy and Labour generally buy the planes while National let things wear out. Carmel smashed the ferret about hiding the value of assets at Kāinga Ora as the ferret chased it's tail, snapping and biting about how the debt was not insignificant...but too late ...National had sold half truths and Sir Bill was not independent, a crony and funded by 80 transitional housing places.

Finally Russel Norman mentioned on TVNZ Breakfast how Pumpkin Head Jones who was caught using the ministerial credit card to watch pornography, Slytherin Brown who celebrated the stripping of women's abortion rights over Roe versus Wade - and Chris Bishop who was a tobacco lobbyist - were granting themselves full power as gatekeepers to override all our environmental protections that support the Tourism Industry.

There was some backward and forward about this as Russel kept saying "overriding" lol ha ha ha - but there's a big protest march coming up on 8 June. You likely have already heard about it.

Well that's enough but poor poor Christopher Luxon aye - trying to pretend that the choice was tough - when it was made long ago and promises were broken and there's no strong case for it that holds up to proper scrutiny.

The right wing spin machine is in overdrive - but the truth will out.

Poor Christopher Luxon and the tough choices



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