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Slice of Life - this is not a political post

I heard from Vicki not long ago, and today she is really feeling sore, cos her wounds are aching and there's bruising coming out today after yesterday's fall.

So I am looking forward to collecting her from her work ( she goes to work in bandages ) and letting her rest...cos Vicki is one hard working, super person ... and everyone who knows her - knows Vicki goes way beyond what is asked from her. Of course I am biased, but just ask anyone else who knows her.

My Grandpa would have been proud of her - had he ever met her cos she is the same kind of busy worker, getting the jobs done properly - everything is sorted...and put back into order.

Anyway - we missed out on a rental house yesterday before we were even able to see it - cos - well despite getting in there and being assured we would get a viewing - within one hour of the renter place being placed on the market - we were still too late and "an application was received" so sorry - never mind etc.

It's about the third fail so far as we put lots of energy into the task - and I think I go from confidence to slight gnawing uncertainty and back to confidence like a sine wave.

I guess this is the uncertainty of generation rent, and the future for many who do not own a house as an asset - and overnight - I did a Kieran McAnulty - and lost sleep - mind racing - thinking about some place we may get to see soon, and all the other people also looking.

I wondered if a small deck table would fit on a skinny deck, and thought about whether our furniture would fit, where would G News go, what about the loss of all these trees I so enjoy being surrounded by ...if we ended up somewhere square edged, hedged, with a landlord looking over us from a nearby window.

It must have been 2am in the dark - as I read that some Real Estate companies were telling owners and investors that now was the time to sell - and to get going from late May through June - and on 2nd of July spring an auction - hooray cos after July 1 - well the Brightline Test - will be back to only 2 years so let's start flipping houses - flipping tenants, raising rents and making big cash out of the places that people need to live - forget the fact it is not productive etc.

Yeah what a way to make a living - but meanwhile I worried about silly things like Monty and the above mentioned issues - and it was hard not to dislike the Government for bringing back the insecurity to renters and robbing the first home buyers and serving privatisation above the people.

Yeah and then I started to think about the article I might write this morning ( The Threads of Corruption ) - and you know I was still there at about 4am awake - until boom I must have slept and woke up late - racing to get that coffee, make the bed, get dressed and fly out the door to taxi Vicki to work.

The Waiheke Markets are always assembling on Saturday mornings when I take Vicki to work - and truth be known, I like the way we talk in the car each day. Real life is a treasure in the ordinary moments - OMG so there is that.

On my way home alone - I saw how Dr Ayesha Verrall had thought the exact same thing as I did about all the threads - and I thought damn, it might be old news by the time I write a word, but then I also dared to tell myself...hey if Aeysha thinks like I do - well good on me.

Sometimes I look at money and today I went lol - I had $2 in donations which I was grateful for - as I put that tainted thing aside and started writing - with all the typos - one big fast typing daft and bang publish - and then - OMG the typos and then - omg the spelling mistakes and then - more spelling's the way I work all wrong and back to front - but I almost burst to get it written - like a guy throwing paint on a canvas in a sloppy way. Worry about the mess later.

Then it was off to listen to podcasts - Plunket, BHN, Working Group, NewsRoom etc..and scan every news article in every newsroom and make notes and then start thinking about the next topic ...what to a bucket under an endless tap.

I'm pretty happy doing something I love with a sense of purpose and finding an oasis in the noise is what I hope I do ...a kind of place where you have an advertising free experience - with only weekly thanks for your donations - not all the time - like in the great big world out's part of escaping that noise and bringing something to life about us - us here reading this - in a Kohalition - called G News.

I probably should not have written this post but I think it's good to just be me with you a tiny bit - and let you in a bit on what I am going through which is sort of like sleep, coffee, article, porridge, research, coffee, article, scrambled, article, seven days, on seven days on seven days ...go get Vicki ...and try not to worry about the rental...cos everything will be alright.

Things are not so bad and we don't know how lucky we are ...and many have it worse than me ...but I am glad to be kind of "in touch" with generation rent rather than "out of touch" like those who never need to struggle...or those who only ever think about themselves.

Things will work out. Just keep swimming.

Back to it. Have a lovely afternoon.

Slice of Life - this is not a political post


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