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Sunday Morning Bacon and Eggs

I am going to just indulge for a few paragraphs and talk about my real life if it's okay - before getting into political and current affairs.

Somebody said on G News yesterday that it was time I chilled out and spent some time with my loved ones - so that is what I did yesterday evening when Vicki and I went and watched the new Amy Winehouse movie in the small Waiheke Theatre where every seat in the house is a couch.

OMG so comfortable. Sheer luxury. Great little film.

I thought the film was an excellent treatment of her rise and struggles and I thought I had better say something to you about it, but my feet were cold and I hate it when my feet are cold, and it took till after the movie for them to warm up and we went out for a modest meal together in a noisy little restaurant - the last supper - before I get my teeth pulled out.

Yes, I'm going to be gummy for three months and mostly on soft foods before getting dentures ( el cheapo ) - you know that Hollywood smile.

Must be getting old - teeth and hearing - but the good news is I got to try out the "Hear in Noise" mode on my hearing aids which narrows the field to point in front of me - and despite people shouting all around me - I think I only said "what" once to Vicki which was a massive improvement.

I nearly died when I took an incoming call on my cell and the callers voice was inside my head - like wow these hearing aids are like ultra connected to my cell.

When I got home I started the enormous job of archiving some G news articles into a place where at some stage in future you might be able to easily search and scroll through them...but that will take me some time, if I go back in time... watch this space.

I was so busy with that task I did not look at the lights in the sky but I saw all the photos from all around New, what a sight. What did you make of it? Hopefully today is not the Day of the Triffids, but if it was, I feel pretty sure Simeon Brown would blame Labour for it.

Which brings me to the blame game that started on Wednesday last week when Simeon Brown blamed the 2018 ban on offshore oil and gas exploration for a fall in gas production - and pretty much every intelligent person laughed at the pathetic and transparent peddling of pure BS while the same "petrol forever" slogan light politicians studiously avoided answering the core questions put to them.

Why the delay burning biomass pellets in the Rankines at Huntly and why - was May the time to have so much electricity production in maintenance - and why is 2000 MWatts in consented renewables sitting around waiting to be built and why won't this government answer these questions and get the hell on with things instead of playing the blame game?

It's now Sunday ( Happy Mothers Day ) and I feel most of these questions have not been answered adequately by Simeon Brown, Simon Watts and Christopher Luxon ...while at the same time Heather Duplicity-Allan is angry with Labour for causing this mess.

Of course she is, how predictable.

DumbTown is told what to think by NewsCrap ZB when even Claire Trevett poured cold water on Simeon's ridiculous stance.

I can see why Green MPs feel like blowing off steam at this kind of existential dedication to making the Climate Crisis worse for those who will come after us - because it sure is infuriating.

Speaking of infuriating, the smug and useless Matt Doocey blew off the red flags raised by Louise Nicholas about sexual abuse support being underfunded by the latest round of ACC job cuts.

Doocey said he had been advised there would be no impact on front line services and that was his slogan and he was hiding behind it - while Louise explained how there is not a region that is not underfunded and these cut go into these areas anyway.

The fact National were so stupid to mess with the disabled and their carers before polling informed them they had better wind that back - tells you how blind and bungling National are.

"The free market kids have a failed ideology as their guide", I muttered to myself sipping my coffee.

Luxon and Willis and have been consistently unable to communicate the details about their so called "savings" - preferring to stand well clear as Customs staff who keep the meth out are laid off, and folks who protect us all from scammers and child exploitation are told they are not needed, ah forget about it - money laundering - let it happen etc.

NIWA scientists are told by neoliberals ( petrol forever ) that it is time for them to go - and voices from the PSA are attacked and marginalised as the terrible reality is glossed over by the eager press - salivating for details about Nicola's shitty Budget.

It won't be long before media will love the lollies in Nicola's Budget ( increases for Health and Education and the Disabled and Defence ) for about 24 hours before talk about the price of a block of cheese will start again - but right now Tomatoes are down 44% on last year...and nobody blames Labour for that.

There will be about four days of news about the new "sources of revenue" that "fully fund" Nicola's tax cuts as she claims it is all fiscally neutral - and the tax cuts will wilt like a pathetic tax bracket shift as Luxon applauds Nicola - our hero.

They'll probably give her bouquet before cameras and Luxon will lunge in for the kiss...eew.

Not much to get excited about for most of us - as prescription charges and transport costs and rates are all going up. The costs will be vague and the reality experienced will be far away from the insanely incubated politicians who just took a big pay rise while making 4,281 cuts.

You already knew all that so let's talk a little about what a great job Michael Wood has done leading the charge and making TVNZ Executives disappointed that they did not get away with breaking a clause in their early dealings with staff they proposed to sack.

"The ERA finds that TVNZ has breached cl 10.1.1 of the collective agreement," the ruling stated.

That whole dynamic where the NewsRoom rages against the Executive is playing out again as Simon Dallow talks with Kim Baker Wilson like he did when there were sexual harassment issues with a new presenter...

Long story short TVNZ have been ordered to keep talking with the Union at the 11th hour and TVNZ thinks things may be messy and more disruptive for staff.

TVNZ will be reporting a $30 Million loss in June ( reportedly ).

Well this kind of thing makes for a good TV show and I can recommend "the Morning Show" with Jennifer Aniston ( 8.2 on IMDB ) as a TV series drama that highlights the same sorts of inner conflicts that happen inside media organisations - as money pulls against journalism and the Newsroom fights back.

Someone has to defend the story - as TVNZ slashes current affairs and news - and democracy is further weakened while the threat of fast track corruption rises and the same morons in DumbTown who voted for all of this blame Labour and scoff how we are finally heading in the right direction according to the Taxpayers Union.

They walk amongst us and cannot be deprogrammed.

"Mike Hosking is always right" - something like that is their primary truth.

Finally Mike McRoberts is off to be an editor for the Te Ao Māori section of the NBR and is all excited about his new role.

TV Media are combusting while Luxon still can't tell them what will happen about Fair Bargaining and Goldsmith is busy slashing the heads of NZ on Air and the Film Commission to install someone more neoliberal.

Goldsmith ( $4 Billion hole ) is not the answer and we've still got 2.5 years of "woke food" and "policing who is in the toilet" to go because "we voted for change".

Happy Mothers Day.

At least there is that.

Sunday Morning Bacon and Eggs



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