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The Spin and the Fury

A couple of weeks ago I watched breakers smashing on a coral reef, and reflected how nobody here on this warm wee tropical island gives a brass razoo about the ongoing negative drama unfolding four hours south in Aotearoa New Zealand.

The biggest issue in Raro seemed to be whether a local was riding his motorbike at 60km per hour in a 30KM per hour zone outside a church, although there were other issues to be sure.

Today I was back in the thick of it again - listening to Luxon spin hard to Lloyd Burr about how he is focused on results and outcomes - not the activity, not just being busy - after we'd all just been bombarded with three days of propaganda about Luxon's trip to South East Asia - where the focus had been on the activity, the busy energy levels - and not a tangible result nor outcome was to be seen.

It's that kind of BS and contradiction that makes people who pay attention shake their head, along with other BS we are now thoroughly fed up with.

Vicki's Dad said to me this morning that he does not know how I put up with listening to Luxon and how he wished journalists would get rude and more aggressive with Luxon - cut him off, get the bastard to answer a simple question etc.

Yeah that's right, we've all had enough of the "what I would say to you" followed by a deflection to a talking point - soaking up the time on air and avoiding answering the question.

That smug smile from the soap salesman at the end of each interview betrays his psychopathic lack of empathy for legitimate concerns as Luxon plays a game - thinking it is all invisible to us.

It's all part of the railroad job ( let me be very clear lol ) - where instead of answering questions, Luxon takes us all for fools and morons and thinks he can "talking point" his way around questions.

"Rebuild the economy, restore law and order, build better public services" and "six years of wasteful spending, spending up 84% and violent crime up 30%, I make no apologies, I will not be lectured, and that PSA person is a Labour person so I don't have to answer her concerns".

What's even more infuriating as horrendous Neoliberal policies harm life in New Zealand - eg. destroying Climate action, pouring coal on the climate crisis, giving away $41 Million overseas, failing to pay police properly, 2,500 doctors on strike, riding roughshod over the Environment, belittling the Waitangi Tribunal, and refusing to present evidence to back insane policy - is that nobody in media seems able to go back and point out why even the talking points are misleading and factually incorrect.

The six years of Government Spending include record increases on Health and Education and Climate Action - not to mention - the Covid wage subsidy, business support payments, Covid Health investments for a future pandemic - getting houses built - but yes Luxon describes it all as a waste.

Until this Budget where he will boast about increases to Government Spending - eg in Health and Education...because suddenly when he spends on Health it is no longer a waste?

Meanwhile all these people being sacked - are a waste to Luxon.

Seymour asks - lost your job - and then smugly grins - good !!!

It's like take your fake news medicine from Luxon every week, open wide and swallow, media cannot stop it.

Media just nod and say "I get that" to Luxon. They are sick of the factually incorrect talking points too and time is limited, so every week the same BS is repeated with no challenge.

When you couple all of that with how some media think it's not a good time for Opposition voices to be heard much - and how Thomas Coughlan said they may even be irrelevant - and the absence of polls except the Atlas Network TPU polls ( where is this month's Talbot poll? ) - the whole situation just creates a disenfranchised population of attentive people.

People who participate in democracy are being driven to not participate because of the ongoing futility with this holding pattern that tolerates so much damage.

People like me and you are aghast at the horror unfolding and folks in their senior years are saying - I've never in all my years seen a Government that is this bad.

Why do the polls keep supporting this insanity?

What happened to sensible Kiwis?

The New Zealanders who are not attentive are far too busy trying to make a living and less informed or up to date - and it's in that segment that Luxon's talking points find open ears and agreement and support.

He's getting things done. He's a saviour and a hero. Fran admires him - and so do most of the NZ Herald team - where National are the preferred political party and Blue blooded advertisers are all in sync with media revenue streams.

The chair of NZME is also Deputy Chair of the NZ Initiative and it all trickles down like pigeon shit to the lower branches on the suck up tree.

This morning we all watched Luxon take the media on a wild goose chase about how his talking points come before their questions about "where is the evidence three strikes will reduce offending?"

At no stage could Luxon answer the question because at the bottom of the issue - there was no evidence Luxon could point to - so he said there was a range - and suggested California - hoping the interviewer would settle there and make the question go away.

When a Prime Minister shows you he is prepared to mislead - you should believe him - and tell all your friends and family.

So we are getting rid of trained drug detector dogs, senior front line Customs roles are being scrapped and all Luxon can say is "we are restoring law and order" or "Come on Lloyd she is a Labour candidate - and you can't say Labour are linked to the Unions".

It's not good enough - that Luxon points at vacant roles to create a deflection, or shoves the accountability back on CEs who have been instructed to cut services to make savings, or how roles on the frontline are not the same as frontline services.

This all comes back to how Grant was right when he told media before the 2023 election that New Zealand cannot afford National's tax cuts at $14.9 Billion and Nicola Willis scoffed and abused him loudly on air - over talking and shouting him down.

All of these cuts to vital roles that defend our borders and protect our children - and protect us from online crime and terrorism - serve the tax cuts we cannot afford and the way Willis said she would resign if she did not deliver them.

Now the likes of Luxon and Willis are hiding like cowards behind CE Shields - as they push the CE out into the firing line - for the decisions they have been forced to make by Luxon and Willis.

Bring on May Day protests.

This Neoliberal Circus has got to be run out of town.

It's way past time to make some noise.

The Spin and the Fury



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