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Where did Act's 5.6% gain in support come from?

If NZ First only dropped by 1% and National gained 2.6% then where did Act's reported gain of 5.6% come from?

It sure as hell did not come from the Greens.

And where did the Greens 4.8% loss go to?

Cos it did not go to Labour nor to TPM!

The Taxpayers Union ( Atlas ) are asking us to believe that Act's supposed gain of 5.6% suddenly sprung up - possibly from "the don't knows" who suddenly knew after Christmas that Act was their party - but you will not find these numbers anywhere furnished by the TPU.

It's also curious that Seymour's popularity as Preferred PM rose from 4% back in November - to 10% - a gain of 6% which is remarkably similar in size to the gain in Act's Party share of 5.6%.

It's almost as if an invisible hand attached to David Farrar's arm shifted the entire polling sample by the same percentage of around 6% - just for this delicate moment when it was needed most.

So something seems wrong or at least hidden about this poll - yet that is not mentioned let alone challenged as the suspicious poll generates headlines to influence people to get on board with Act and its Treaty Principles Bill...exactly when those band wagon effects are most needed by Atlas to achieve its objectives.

Newshub and Stuff and RNZ are now repeating and amplifying the great news for David Seymour ( Atlas alumni ) - news that was first triumphantly announced by Claire Trevett at New Zealand is manipulated and public opinion shaped.

It's all about that Treaty Principles Bill and what Atlas wants.

Where did Act's 5.6% gain in support come from?


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